Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Let Me Tell You About A Little Show...

SouthLAnd. Have you heard of it? I hadn't until NBC screwed up and it got moved to TNT.

I think my favorite thing about this show (and granted, I've only seen two episodes so far) is just how realistic it is. I'm not a cop, but I work with a lot of them and I just feel like I can connect with these characters in the same way I've connected with my guys.

Officer John Cooper, right now, is my favorite, I think. There's something about him that absolutely cracks me up. I love the way he's a no-nonsense kind of guy when it comes to his rookie, but he still manages to make his character likable!

I love the way they portray the different situations and I love the characters' reactions to different calls. As I've said, I've only watched two episodes so far, but if the rest of the episodes are anything like the first two, I can easily see myself getting addicted to this.

Also, I don't know if I have any actual readers of this blog or if I'm the only one who checks it out, but if you're reading this out there in Blog Land and you haven't given this show a chance, you should. Tuesdays on TNT at 2200 hours! 

You know, for somebody who doesn't like cop shows, I'm really liking a lot of cop shows!


  1. Agreed. I wrote about Southland myself just last week.

  2. Thanks for commenting! I just read your blog and I really enjoyed :)
